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Agreement License to Access "AL MUQTAFI"
'AL MUQTAFI' Palestinian Legal and Judicial System Use Agreement
To obtain a login name and password to access "AL MUQTAFI" website, please read the Use Agreement
Click "I Agree" at the end of the Agreement and fill in the Registration Form (*At this stage, registration is free).
Introduction The user license (this "license") shall be a legal agreement between user, whether individual or corporate, and the Institute of Law at Bir Zeit University regarding the use of "AL MUQTAFI" – Palestinian Legal and Judicial System programs. "AL MUQTAFI" Palestinian Legal and Judicial System - "AL MUQTAFI" is a legal and judicial databank which has been designed, programmed, generated, and produced by the Institute of Law at Bir Zeit University, Palestine. "AL MUQTAFI" contains legislations enacted in Palestine since the mid 19th century up to the present, or up to the last issue of the Palestinian Official Gazette included on the system, according to the identification of the 'legislation'. "AL MUQTAFI" includes the laws enforced in Palestine during the Ottoman period up to 1917; British Mandate Laws up to 1948; Laws of the Egyptian Administration in Gaza and Jordanian Rule in the West Bank up to 1967; Military Orders of the Israeli Occupation Authorities; and new legislations of the Palestinian National Authority issued in the Palestinian Official Gazette since 1994. So far, "AL MUQTAFI" features approximately 11,000 legislations. Additionally, over 30,000 pages of legislations on this database are available to read and print. Program License The Institute of Law, "AL MUQTAFI" originator, enjoys protection of local and regional laws, along with international agreements regarding copyright, in addition to other laws and international agreements regulating intellectual property. In accordance with this Agreement, this product shall not be deemed as sold but licensed to be used. 1.Granting of the License This License authorizes user of the following rights: User may access "AL MUQTAFI" through the Institute of Law website: http://lawcenter.birzeit.edu or any other website to be given later. User is required to obtain a license, which needs to be signed by the Institute of Law. User shall send all the information necessary to the Institute. The Institute will then approve the license and register the user's name and password. Such a license shall be granted to each person singly. The use license may not be divided, transmitted, sold, leased, or otherwise, by any other person, whether individual or corporate. 2.Statement of Rights and other Restrictions: Reverse engineering, decoding and disassembly: User may not resort to reverse engineering, decoding or disassembly of a product on "AL MUQTAFI" except within the limits allowable by the Law enforced. Division of components: The program is licensed inasmuch as it is one single product. Therefore, its components may not be divided and used on more than one computer. Texts and images on "AL MUQTAFI": To be used by licensed user only. Network and E-mail security: User's responsibility. User's name and password: These may not be passed to any other person. Communication fees, such as Internet subscription, telephone or wireless bills, etc: User's responsibility. The Institute of Law shall not be responsible for the website efficiency and communication lines, including speed or website maintenance. No products or services on "AL MUQTAFI" may be derived for the use of the person, whether individual or corporate. The program must be dealt with as one single unit. Termination: The Institute of Law at Bir Zeit University may, without the violation of any other rights, terminate this license in the event user does not be the provisions stated herein. 3.Privileges The Institute of Law grants the following privileges for licensed user: A.User shall obtain any updates introduced to "AL MUQTAFI" contents. B.New data on "AL MUQTAFI" shall be forwarded to user on an ongoing basis. 4.Copyright The Institute of Law at Bir Zeit University shall be entitled copyrights regarding "AL MUQTAFI" product, including, but not exclusive to, all that is contained on the program, such as images, written texts, application use tools, attached printed material, and any copies of the program. On the other hand, legislation texts shall be deemed per se as a property of the Institute. "AL MUQTAFI" shall be protected by local and regional laws, along with international agreements regarding copyright. Therefore, "AL MUQTAFI" shall be considered, like other protected products, as a right of the Institute. Unavailability of other guarantees: In accordance with the maximum limit allowable by Law, the Institute of Law at Bir Zeit University shall, according to the Law enforced, deny any other guarantees regarding "AL MUQTAFI", whether explicit or implicit. Such a limited guarantee shall grant user restricted legal rights. Non-guarantee of indirect damages: In accordance with the maximum limit allowable by Law, the Institute of Law at Bir Zeit University shall, according to the Law enforced, shall deny any other indirect damages whatsoever including, but not exclusive to, the missing of gains, suspension of business, loss of business information, or any other financial losses originating from the use or incompatibility of "AL MUQTAFI". Responsibility shall also be revoked even in cases whereby the Institute of Law at Bir Zeit University may have warned user against the occurrence of such damages. In all cases, full responsibility of the Institute of Law shall be restricted to the right ascribed by Law to user in accordance with this Agreement. Violation: Any violation or irregularity – whether direct or indirect – of a clause and/or clauses in the Agreement, which is committed by licensed user, may cause damage to the Institute whereof financial compensation alone may not be sufficient to fix. In this regard, the Institute of Law shall have the right to adopt temporary or permanent arrangements or measures in accordance with what it deems appropriate in order to protect its interests without need to prove the infliction of an actual damage (i.e. revocation of the license). Termination: This Agreement shall be terminated in the following cases: - Agreement by both parties; Or By licensed user. In this case, he/she shall notify the Institute of Law in writing thereof a period of one month prior to the expiration date. Or By the Institute of Law in the event licensed user violates a clause provided for in the Agreement. Appendix 1 Operation Requirements Al-Muqtafi Installation Minimum Requirements AL-Muqtafi version 2.0 needs Access97 AL-Muqtafi version 2.1 Access2000 or Access XP Hardware: PC Pentium II-III at least 200 MHZ 32-64 MB RAM 2 GB free on the Hard Disk Software: Ms Windows Ms Office 97/2000/XP Al-Muqtafi version 3.0 OnLine; Hardware: PC Pentium II-III at least 200 MHZ 32-64 MB RAM 2 GB free on the Hard Disk Internet connection (ISP subscription, telephone line with dial-up modem, or ISDN, or ADSL, or wireless with network card, or any other connecting method) Software: Ms Windows (with Arabic) Ms Office 97/2000/XP (with Arabic) MS Internet Explorer
I have read the Agreement above and, by clicking this link, fully agree and abide by all clauses stated therein.