Institue of Law - Muqtafi Online - Related Links
Palestinian Legislative Council
: drafted and confirmed laws
- Palestinian Ministry of Justice
- The Palestinian *draft* constitution in Arabic and in English
- Palestinian Bar Association - bar news, programs, addresses etc. Some items are ready.
- Law Society: press
releases, draft laws and treaties, reports, conferences etc.
- Al-Haq Online: human rights
organization - press releases, publications and references (including treaties related to Palestine)
- The Arab Organization for Human Rights: links and resources
- The Arab Association for Human
Rights: looking after the Palestinian rights against Israeli law
- The Palestinian Independent
Commission for Citizen's Rights:
- Adalah - non-profit, non-sectarian Arab-run legal center in Palestinian green line areas
- B'Tselem: the
Israeli information center for human rights in occupied Palestine
- International Commission of Jurists
- The American Society of International Law - ASIL resources on criminal law, armed conflict, human rights, environmental law and lots more.
- Lebanese Bar Association (in Arabic)
- List of bar associations around the world (from HierosGamos)
- Treaties, accords, protocols and resolutions related to Palestine and Middle East
- Global Legal Information Network (GLIN) (Laws of the world, from the Library of Congress)
- Hieros Gamos - The Comprehensive Law and Government portal law resources worldwide
- International Centre for Commercial Law - contains latest commercial law developments and law firm contacts
- Legalease - Legalease products and services
- Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) provides free internet access to Australian legal materials
- Madamek Computer and Law Studies and Research office
- Saudi Arabia Lawyers - portal-like site with subscription service. This is part of a larger Arab Lawyers Network (mostly in Arabic)
- Law Books - online legal bookshop (Arabic)
- The Institute for Human Rights (Lebanon) - Arabic, English and French, by the Beirut Bar Association
- International Criminal Court (ICC) Coalition
- International Constitutional Law (ICL) (Constitutions of all nations - except a few, in English)
- Program on Governance in the Arab Region - POGAR (portal, in English, Arabic planned). See also Arab Social Science Research - ASSR - topic, resource and country index
- Arab Parliamentary Database - search legal texts of Arab legislature (in Arabic)
- Egyptian Legislation (in Arabic, requires subscription)
- Syrian Law (Arabic and English)
- Jordanian Legal Databank (in Arabic)
- Lebanese Ministry of Justice (info, laws and constitution)
- Arab Legal Network (in Arabic, legislation in Arab countries)
- FindLaw Legal Resources -
cases, indexes, schools, organizations, library, US codes and many more
- Law School Online - begin your legal search here
- Internet Tools for Lawyers - helping legal professionals use the Internet
- Law Central - the portal of legal portals: lots of legal links
- IIT Library: US
(federal and state) laws, laws of all nations (incl. UN and EU)
- The E-Text Archives
- Law reviews and journals - list of law journals arranged by topic. Some have full text
- WashLaw Web - every thing related to law from Washburn University (journals, books, schools, search engines ...)
- Electronic and Research Resources from USC - arranged by subject, indicates if full text is available
- Cornell University Law School - check library and legal research encyclopedia
- Yale
Law School: includes the Avalon and other projects
- Association of American Law Libraries
- The British Library - UK's national library with online resources
- BUBL Link - law resources, Dewey classification, includes item description
- Kluwer Academic Publishers - publishing house
- Yahoo! law schools directory - listing of universities with law schools/programs
- Lex Mercatoria International Commercial Law & E-Commerce Infrastructure Monitor - resources: 1993 - 2000
- Law Reports (UK) - daily law notes which are free summaries of
reportable cases within 24 hours of judgment
- Internet Legal Resource Guide - A categorized index of more than 4000 select web sites
- MIT OpenCourseWare - free course materials from MIT's Faculty
- Palestinian Telephone Directory (in Arabic)