- Search Judgments:
The best and most accurate results can be accessed through a set of fields on the search interface. Users can fill out all or some fields as they wish or according to information available.
Search Judgments - Kashaf:
Users can search more than sub-category; i.e. several sub-categories within a single main term. Without need to fill in sub-categories or the three main terms, users can also search a single sub-category within more than one of three main terms of a court judgement. Users can search one or more sub-categories or main terms.
Browse Judgments - Kashaf:
Users can select the main term to be searched. A list of themes under the selected main term appears. By selecting a theme, a sub-category entailing terms down to the narrowest term under the selected theme is displayed. The narrower the term a user chooses, the narrower and more accurate the results are.